About Leri
Professional qualifications

85hr Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training
Perinatal Mental Health - CPD Child Health Academy
Diploma in Baby Yoga and Baby Massage - Birthlight
Toddler Yoga Teacher Training - Birthlight
Children’s Yoga Teacher Training - Your Yoga Flow
Mindfulness Teacher Training - Mindful Families
Cool Cats Mindfulness for Children - Mindful Families
Mindfulness - The Present
Children’s Mental Health Training - High Speed Training
Level 3 Paediatric First Aid
PGCE (Teacher) - Bangor University
Understanding Health and Wellbeing in the Classroom
Social, Emotional & Mental Health Issues in the Classroom
Trauma Informed Schools and School Avoidance
Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Enhanced DBS

Hwb Menter Awards - Winner of the Community Star Award (2022)
Iogis Bach Môn Project - Community Grant from Medrwn Môn to hold free yoga sessions for children on Anglesey (2022)
Finaslist Llais Cymru Awards - New Business (2022)
Finaslist The Mental Health & Wellbeing Wales Awards (2023)