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Writer's pictureLeri - iogis bach

What are the benefits of practicing yoga in your pregnancy?

Beth yw’r buddion? What are the benefits?

Yn ein dosbarthiadau ioga ac ymlacio ar gyfer beichiogrwydd mae na ffocws ar ddarparu moments gwerthfawr i chi arafu, bod yn gwbl bresennol, a chysylltu gyda’ch hun, eich babi bach a mamau eraill ar yr un siwrne.

Yn y gofod diogel a chroesawgar hon fe gewch gysur, cefnogaeth a gwir deimlad o gymuned.

Rhai o fuddion ceir o’n dosbarthiadau ioga bechiogrwydd:

🌸 Symudiadau saff a buddiol i leddfu, ymestyn ac ymlacio.

🌸 Ymlacio i'r meddwl a'r corff a chyfnod ymlacio dwfn gyda yoga nidra ar y diwedd.

🌸 Amser i arafu er mwyn sylwi ar y newidiadu anhygoel a chyffrous.

🌸 Cysylltu â mamau eraill a bod yn ran o gymuned cefnogol o gychwyn eich beichiogrwydd.

🌸 Lleddfu Straen a cael cyfnod i dawelu'r corff, meddwl a'r enaid.

🌸 Paratoi ar gyfer Esgor a Geni drwy ymarfer symudiadau a thechnegau anadlu buddiol ar gyfer esgor gweithredol.

Mae'r rhestr aros ar gyfer y cwrs nesaf bron yn llawn. Mae'r llefydd ar y cwrs yn cael eu cadw i niferoedd bach er mwyn i mi allu edrych ar ôl anghenion personol pob mam. Croeso i chi gysylltu gyda mi os oes ganddo chi unrhyw gwestiynau neu eisiau sgwrs, Edrych ‘mlaen yn arw i groesawu chi.

Leri xx


In our pregnancy yoga and relaxation classes there's a great emphasis on providing you with precious moments to slow down, be fully present and connect with both your body and baby as well as other mums on the journey.

In this safe and welcoming space you’ll find solace, support and a genuine sense of community.

Some benefits of our pregnancy yoga classes:

🌸 Safe and beneficial movement to gently ease, stretch, relieve and relax.

🌸 Time to slow down to be able to recognise the amazing and exciting changes in your body.

🌸 Connect with Other Mamas to be a part of a supportive community from the start of your pregnancy.

🌸 Release stress and have a moment to bring stillness to the body, mind and spirit.

🌸 Preparation for Labour and Birth through beneficail movements and breathing techniques for active labour.

The waitlist for the next course is nearly full. Spaces on the courses are kept to a small number in order for me to look after every mamas personal needs. You're welcome to get in touch if you would like a chat or have any questions

Looking forward to welcoming you.

Leri xx

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