Anrheg meddylgar ar hyd y flwyddyn - A mindful gift throughout the year.
Anrheg o Lesiant i’r teulu oll. Mae tocyn anrheg yoga a baby massage gan iogis bach yn berffaith fel anrheg cawod babi, penblwydd, anrheg Nadolig neu unrhyw achlysur arall.
Mae’n bosib archebu cwrs cyfan neu unrhyw swm tuag at sesiynau tylino neu ioga:
✨Noson Lles
✨Ioga Beichiogrwydd
✨Ioga Postnatal
✨Ioga Rhiant a Babi
✨Tylino Babi
✨Sesiwn breifat 1:1 (Unrhwy un o'r uchod)
Posib dosbarthu yn lleol wedi’w lapio’n ddel, drwy’r post neu tocyn rhithiol drwy’r wefan.
A gift of wellness for the whole family. A iogis bach yoga or baby massage gift voucher is perfect for a baby shower gift, birthday, Christmas gift or for any other occasion.
It’s possible to purchase a full course or any sum towards a yoga or massage sessions.
✨Wellness evening
✨Pregnancy yoga
✨Postnatal yoga
✨Parent & Baby yoga
✨Baby massage
✨Private 1:1 session (any of the above)
Can be delivered locally gift wrapped, through the post or as a digital voucher via the website